chace people are childcare and early years recruitment specialists with industry expertise. work with us and have our recommended global database at your fingertips.
there is perhaps no role that is more important than those who take care of, and nurture, our children. our expert team has an extensive network of private live-in nannies, daily and after-school nannies, norland nannies, doulas, maternity nurses and even security trained “ninja” nannies! to be a chace people nanny means they will have a strong work ethic and will be fully trusted. every nanny and manny is clearly vetted; qualifications are checked and references are verified and up-to-date. all of our nannies will speak fluent English, often with other languages and will communicate effectively and clearly with both child and parent.
although chace people is based in London, our childcare & early education network spans the globe. our early childhood education professionals have a passion for their work and love to see children learn and thrive. as with our nannies and mannies, each education professional is vetted, with verified references and exceptional experience and qualifications. we place childcare professionals such as tutors, governors, governesses and sleep trainers to name a few within fantastic households all around the world, and they quickly become part of the family. however make no mistake, the people that we place are professional, fully qualified and career focused.
we work with our candidates to match them with the perfect role. we fully believe that every next step should be an adventure for our candidate and an exciting prospect for our client.
A family office is a structure or organisation that manages a family's wealth and interests. However, each definition and structure is different.
A family office director is the person responsible for all operations and services of your family office.
Have you ever wondered how different your life would be if you had a professional personal assistant (PA)
Today, people from all walks of life recruit permanent or temporary private chefs for their various needs.
chace people delivers a well-respected nanny service through our expert team who hold industry experience and a proven ability in supplying nannies and mannies.
Domestic couples are two workers employed as one. they can be a real couple, married or just really close friends and are responsible for looking after the family home and other domestic requirements.
The Household Manager is usually a multi-talented, hands-on individual who is willing to multitask in a variety of areas:
The specific duties of a butler vary depending on the needs of each individual family, which makes it an extremely diverse role.
The captain is the top dog on any ship and is in charge of plotting the route for the voyage.
Throughout your charter or private excursion, your chief stewardess will supervise and manage the interior services of your vessel.
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