what exactly is a house manager?

The Household Manager is usually a multi-talented, hands-on individual who is willing to multitask in a variety of areas:

what exactly is a house manager?
  • Staff supervision
  • General property management for a single house or a portfolio of properties
  • Organising events
  • Personal Assistant responsibilities and calendar management
  • Formal table service and beverage service
  • Valeting
  • Wine cellar maintenance
  • Silver cleaning and excellent antique and art care
  • Organisation of shooting and gun care
  • Travelling with the principal
  • Speaking a second language


why recruit a house manager?


A House Manager can increase your household's efficiency and service quality according to your specific needs.

Chace People's House Managers hold all the necessary skills to cover the areas in need within your household operation. While providing House Managers to our clients, we aim to create the most effective partnerships by paying attention to detail and offering discretion and efficiency.



selecting the right house manager

Chace People finds staff to suit all your household and family’s needs. It is as much as matching the skill set as it is the personality fit for such an integral hire. Contact us for your permanent, contract, or temporary House Manager requests in London, the wider UK and beyond!

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whether looking for staff or searching for a new role, the chace people team is here to help. reach out today and let us know what we can do for you.

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