what exactly is a domestic couple?

Domestic couples are two workers employed as one. they can be a real couple, married or just really close friends and are responsible for looking after the family home and other domestic requirements.

what exactly is a domestic couple?

The hiring of a professional domestic couple in a private household is becoming increasingly popular as more of our clients see the numerous advantages of doing so. The flexibility and wide variety of talents a domestic couple can offer to the job appeals to many busy families. 

Domestic couples can have a wide range of duties - each client's work is unique, and in addition to the basics (washing, cleaning, cooking and so on ), some of our clients may also want to hire people with specialist skills, such as gardening, or the maintenance of antiques or vintage automobiles.


why recruit a domestic couple?


  • By hiring a domestic couple, you can have all of this and more:
  • A more cost-effective alternative. you pay a single wage rather than hiring individual workers for various duties.
  • A fantastic team that is used to working together to complete tasks. 
  • Flexibility in the workplace and the ability to multitask/take on additional responsibilities as the household evolves.
  • Home security while you're away.
  • Animals/pets may be cared for at home and in their natural environment, which is far less stressful for them.
  • A well-organised and well-run home. The couple may communicate with contractors, builders, and labourers on your behalf, handle delivery of products and services to the property, and watch after tutors and guests, among other things.



selecting the right domestic couple


Finding the right domestic couple for your household and in today’s market can be time consuming and a strain on your resources. By working with a specialist agency like chace people, you’ll soon reap the benefits of a wide network of industry professionals who are not often “on the market”.


Contact us for today all your Domestic Couple needs in London, the UK and internationally. 

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whether looking for staff or searching for a new role, the chace people team is here to help. reach out today and let us know what we can do for you.

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