what exactly is a family office director?

A family office director is the person responsible for all operations and services of your family office.

what exactly is a family office director?

It is a critical role for the effective management of family offices that keep up with today's business patterns.



why recruit a family office director?


As the gatekeeper and guardian of your family's privacy, you will want to hand over your Family Office to the best employees. At Chace People, we are with you to hire the best talent to suit your needs.



selecting the right family office director


Firstly, we'll work with you to develop a job specification for your family office support position and develop a plan  to effectively market the role to attract the finest candidates. We'll contact the applicants we believe might be a good fit as soon as we know what you're searching for. We'll identify suitable applicants by leveraging our network and resources. Before introducing you to a candidate, we carry out screening calls, in-depth interviews, and thorough background checks and assessments. Once  satisfied that you've chosen the right person and have offered the position, we'll contact the candidate to arrange a response, to support in any negotiations and to secure the start date.


contact our team today to discuss your family office needs.

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whether looking for staff or searching for a new role, the chace people team is here to help. reach out today and let us know what we can do for you.

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