tips on working from home

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tips on working from home

47%* of people in employment spent some of their working time from home this year and 25-30%* will continue to do so throughout next year too.



working from home can have its advantages, such as saving money and time, but it can also make it more difficult to concentrate and perhaps productive.



So, read on to learn our top tips for Working from Home:


1. stick to a routine


– Set your working hours and stick to them, it can be difficult when you are working from home to stop working if something isn’t finished, but being strict with working hours can help you maintain a good work life balance.



2. get ready


– Make sure that you get ready everyday. This will help you get into a work mindset and psychologically prepare you for work.



3. have a dedicated work space


– As tempting as it is to work in bed make sure you get up and move to your own little space. By having your own dedicated space you will be more productive and will be easier to switch off at night.



4. set boundaries


– It’s important to create boundaries so you can keep a good work/life balance. Working from home has it’s perks, but you can miss things like listening to podcasts on the way to work or seeing people. Make sure you take time and be kind to your self.



5. take breaks


– It’s not good to stare at your screen all day so make sure you take your lunch break and go for walks throughout the day.



starting to head back into the office?



Some firms are are starting to split time between work from home and going back to the office and we get that it can be hard to adapt back to office life. To be adaptable and the best employee you can be we recommend that you:



1. be patient


– We are all still learning about the current situation and protocols in the workplace are still changing, so be patient with your superiors and try and be flexible.



2. stay focused


– The new normal is out of our control, so it is important to keep calm and stay focused on your work.



3. be positive


– Although working from home has it’s perks, be positive about going to the office and getting to see your colleagues face to face again.

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