the rise of the side hustle

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the rise of the side hustle

covid has changed many things and with the start of people working from home, furlough and redundancies, people have started to think of a plan b. perhaps it’s something that they have wanted to do their whole life and have never had the time – here starts the rise of the side hustle…


In its simplest terms, a side hustle is a hobby that you can make money from, or simply a second job, which is usually more entrepreneurial with you being in charge of your own destiny! Enjoying the side hustle is one of the most important parts, as these are not overnight successes and can take time. In the end however, a side hustle may be more successful than your full time job.


There are now more than 16 million Brits with a side hustle, usually to help them cover the cost of living, especially since these everyday costs are constantly rising quicker than the rise of wages. It is also now more apparent that people are striving more and more to enhance their job satisfaction and find their dream role. Thus, more people are willing to try a side hustle as a way to come closer to their goals.


The side hustle is now a key part in the UK’s working environment and is a great source of secondary income, not to mention having control of your own path in business. However, if you plan to set up a side hustle, it’s important to fully research what is legally required in your chosen sector.


So, how do you start a side hustle?


1. prepare for the long haul

A side hustle is normally on the side of a full time job, so it is likely to take time to set-up and to get to a successful place whilst your juggling everything at once. Take your time and be patient, it will all pay off in the end.


2. make sure it is something you enjoy

A side hustle must be something that you enjoy and in and an industry you know well, so think long and hard about what you want to do and do your research!


3. define clear goals

Make sure you stay organised and keep clear goals on how you want your side hustle to go, dreaming big is good, but getting overwhelmed could effect your success of the hustle.


4. stay on the right ‘side’ of your employer

Make sure that you don’t let your side hustle take over your full time job and that you don’t let things slack, you don’t want to get on the bad side of your employer.


5. take time out for yourself

Having a side hustle and a full time job may mean that you are working all of the time and you can burn out. Make sure you take time for yourself as well, so you can be more focused at work.


If you want to start a side hustle and you feel that you have time to do it, whilst in your full time job, why not start today! The best time to build your business is when you have a full-time job that covers all your living expenses. Having regular employment can certainly help with the risks that a side hustle can bring, so when is a better time to start?! Think of your regular employment as hedging against the risks you’re taking as you test the viability of your side hustle and go for it!

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