tapping inside the mind of a celebrity pa

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this week we interviewed one of our super star pas at chace people; a high energy individual who has built up his successful career over the past ten years supporting the rich and famous.


for confidentially reasons we’re using a pseudonym, we’ll call him tom!


so, tom you’ve worked with some amazing names within entertainment and business globally, tell me about your career so far?


Thank you! Yes, I’d definitely say that my career so far has been exciting (to say the least). Every role I’ve had has organically led to the next which has been great – it’s a small world and people do talk, so to be recommended amongst your network is invaluable. I’ve learnt so much from each position and I am so excited to learn more within my future positions.



like our director, you worked at luxury lifestyle group, quintessentially, how did your role here influence your next steps in becoming a celebrity personal assistant?


Quintessentially taught me to think on my feet and ultimately be a problem solver, which I feel is a fundamental requirement for being a successful Personal/Executive Assistant. The contacts you build up at a company like Quintessentially are also key and this definitely gave me a great grounding and the confidence to take my next steps.



are there certain qualities which you feel a personal/executive assistant at this level should have?


Yes – Agility and Composure! I think these are two of the most important qualities a Personal/Executive Assistant should have. Being agile and ready for anything and everything whilst remaining calm and collected.



due to the high profile individuals who you support would it be safe to say that you need to be able to adapt in this type of role? what types of duties might you be tasked with as a personal assistant?


Honestly, no two days were ever the same! I can say this for all of the roles I’ve had. Equally, I’ve loved it being this way as you never know what is in store for that day. One day you could be planning extensive travel arrangements for your principal and for their wider family members, whilst the next day you could be running around London sourcing luxury gifts and making reservations for dinners/tickets which have 6 months (or more!) waiting lists. So yes, you need to be able to adapt and not to take things personally. This was very similar at Quintessentially – as when the phone rang, you never knew what request you would be tasked with and so you always have to be prepared for the unexpected. I loved the uncertainty!



how do you organise your day as a personal/executive assistant?


As you get to know the principal you are supporting and grasp the role, you can pre-empt their needs. Having said this, things can also change in an instant which can throw everything off! This is why again I think it’s really important to be agile and ready for the possible changes that you may not be expecting.



what are your top tips for anyone wanting to become a celebrity personal/executive assistant?


The best advice I can give is to go out and get what you want! Many people see jobs advertised and think that the job may be too much for them or be daunted by the name and profile of the individual that the role is supporting. However, believing in yourself and throwing yourself in at the deep end is where you really excel! If you want it, go and get it. There is no time like the present.



finally, what’s next for the role of pa/ea, especially now at a time where we’re all working more virtually?


I think given that PA’s and EA’s have been forced to work from home during the pandemic, it has shown employers that jobs can be done and be done successfully by working virtually. I think some employers were apprehensive to allow their employees to work virtually as it’s a sense of security knowing they are physically there, however, this has proved that it doesn’t matter. Virtual working will become more present in the years to come, which I think is a step in the right direction.



Are you a Personal or Executive Assistant looking for a new role, or are you interested in moving your career in this direction?


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